
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2017

experience in forex

  Hi guys my name is Siti Fatimah Aprillita or you can call me Siti, i’m a third smester student at STKIP-PGRI Lubuklinggau. Here I will share my experience in playing forex. First time I know forex is when Mr. Agus Triyogo teach about Business English courses, with the main discussion is abaout forex and this is where my interest on forex grow. Forex definition is an exchange activity of a country's currency against the currencies of other countries with the aim to obtaining financial or economic benefit. First time I played the demo account forex i lose $100, but it's not make me down, I keep trying with the guidance from Mr. Agus and my friend who has mastered forex, finally I can profit with my demo-account, from there I interested to start to open a real account, but I haven't enough capital so I’m waiting for a right time to start my real account and i wise i can be a billionaire from this business. Well that was my experience i hope it can inspire you to